Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Weekly 4 Progress Report

This week we focused on the complex system of patenting. Mr. Lin presented a slideshow on the art of navigation the U.S. patent website which helped us profusely. Equipped with this knowledge we were able to conduct research and come up with 10 patents pertaining to our project. Our patent search consisted of a preliminary search conducted via Google Patents©. With this we found a few useful patents, one of which included a generator that utilizes linear energy to generate electricity.

It was based on this discovery that we decided to change our method of electricity generation. We then conducted research on the us patent database by using the subclasses found in our preliminary patent research. Researching these patens has been highly constructive and we now hope to focus our efforts towards researching the design out our physical product.

1 comment:

  1. Please attach a list of patents you have found relevant to your research.
