Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 5 Progress Report

This week concluded our Patent Search. While we conducted our research, we looked for generators that pertained specifically to our proposed directionality of the movement of the magnets within the coils: centripetal vs. the linear motion that exists already in the current kinetic energy generator on the market the nPower peg). Reading the patents alone was certainly not substantial; the text was usually very difficult to understand. We feel that it would have helped to have read through papers and study the components of electricity generation, circuit design, generators etc. before searching up patents. The next week will see us continue brainstorming exactly how to piece together our project. We additionally received a computer fan from Mr. Lin to test out the free-energy theory with a series of neodymium magnets. Unfortunately, however, the fan's blade were a little too convexed towards the motor, but we could definitely test out the free-energy proposal.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever you cannot understand a patent or a technical paper, you still read it through. Identify the all missing links, and then move down to the next level to study them one by one. You can also send me the link of the document, make a appointment with me after school, such that we can discuss it together. WE NEED MORE PROGRESS!!!
