Friday, September 26, 2014

Week 1 Progress Report

So far I've been researching the legality of our product design to make sure that it doesn't interfere with the kinetic energy charger already on the market (Tremont Electric's nPower peg) and other available technologies.
And so far, we haven't seen anything that follows the same design constructed by Max - a hockey puck-shaped contraption in which powerful neodymium magnets (or any affordable rare earth magnets) travel in a circular fashion within copper coils as the user walks in order to generate an electromagnetic field.
For next week, we'll have to focus on the generator portion of our product, how we can take this energy and harvest it into a battery. We don't anticipate that we'll be working hands-on with circuits and magnets and everything next week, but it would certainly be a bonus if we could. For now, we must keep driving our research even further in order to continue our goal of creating an innovative, efficient product.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Weekly Progress Report

Project groups are required to maintain Weekly Progress Report about their progress. The report is due every Thursday. The writing should be clear and concise. The following list is a template for your report.

  • Progress: list of tasks accomplished, problems solved, questions answered, lessons learned, new idea identified, etc. Include any images and/or videos of your experiments, presentations and/or documents of your results, links and/or printing references, and acknowledgements of external support.
  • Problem: difficulties encountered, missing information, equipments required, materials missed, open issues, new risks or show stopper identified, etc.
  • Plan: steps to attack the problems, action items, experiments to conduct, ideas to try, etc. Show your schedule and task assignment for each group member for the coming week.